
CitiTrader has been around ever since 2010. They use SpotOption as their trading platform, so you can expect that it’s a platform to use. It has been tried and test through years. One thing standout for CitiTrader, it’s their payout, which’s as high as 80%, now it’s not the best in the industry but for SpotOption trading platform brokers, it’s one of the best. They also offer high Out-The-Money trade at 10%, it’s not bad at all since not all brokers offer Out-The-Money return, not even to say at 10% rate. The minimum deposit is $300, which is what most brokers demand this days. One of CitiTraders’ aces is the free demo account. Unusual, but CitiTrader offers it without any strings attached

CitiTrader Assets

We can count today over 90 different assets in their platform, which’s one of the most assets I’ve seen, so it would satisfy most traders for their different trading desires and preferences.  . CitiTrader also a fine mixture of Stocks from all major regions – Asia, Europe and North America are well represented. All the major currency pairs are also included and some interesting minors like the Egyptian Pound and the Russian Ruble. Forex has become a staple for many traders since it can be traded 24 hours a day. It doesn’t matter where you live, currencies can always be traded.

CitiTrader Reliability

Because CitiTrader use SpotOption as their trading platform, so you could trade with ease that the reliability of this platform is extremely high. We’ve not experienced any problems with this platform, not only CitiTrader but for any brokers who use SpotOption trading platform. If you ever face any problem, it’s most likely down to your Internet Connection or your browser. If your browser is full of add-ons, I recommend you to remove some because it would take too much resource when running alongside a JavaScript platform like SpotOption. Therefore, it’s best to run a dedicated browser exclusively for trading.

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